Russian soldier gets injured by ukranian drone. Location unknown, published by aerobomber on 23/8/24.

Russian soldier gets injured by ukranian drone. Location unknown, published by aerobomber on 23/8/24.

by Brave_Trainer_5234

  1. Reduced to one meat bag in a tshirt and pants bleeding out in the middle of nowhere by himself. No equipment, no backup, no comms, no team, no way out or back

  2. He should have used the time and energy digging a grave for himself rather than for pointless running. Now he gets to be eaten by wild animals.

  3. Good to see 30th Mechanized Brigade working again.

    But the format of the video sucks russian swampass

  4. Years from now, some kids are going to be exploring a cane field and stumble across a skeleton. A forgotten soldier. Story unknown. Pan to a university, where a researcher is cataloging and archiving old war footage, thinking about his kids, playing in some cane field on a late summer day, the same field he played in as a child…

  5. He reminds me of the rats I shoot in my back yard. The wounded ones always run for the closest cover . Then they just sit and die !

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