Ukrainische Marine bestätigt Zerstörung der russischen Fähre Conro Trader

Ukrainische Marine bestätigt Zerstörung der russischen Fähre Conro Trader

  1. “The ferry sank. The work of this part of the port is blocked. They still have one more platform to load wagons onto the ferry. But there are no ferries. This is the problem. No wonder the locals in the occupied Ukrainian Crimea immediately reacted with mass visits to petrol stations.”

    Fuel shortages are going to lead to protests and maybe riots.

  2. Ukraine has an endless list of military targets that it selectively hits.

    Russia has one – civilian!

    Ukraine must win this war, they are slowly pulling the teeth from the bear but killing it will be an altogether difficult task.

  3. Damn, Ukraine seems to have finally gotten the gas going and are *cooking* with what they’ve got right now. Love to see it. And Russia still hasn’t done a single thing of what they threatened if Ukraine or “NATO” attacked them back. Pants down, cock in hand, jaw slack. What a pathetic “superpower” of a nation.

    I hope all innocent Russian civilians get to stay more safe than the innocent Ukrainian civilians Russia bombed, but hey, this is a war they and their leader started, and now they’re paying more of the cost each and every day. Simplest solution? March on Moscow now, before Ukraine does it for you (and potentially *over* you). Depose the shitheads running your country, take the power back and democratically elect a new leader, and Ukraine will go back home and leave you alone (after you pay restitution for the next 300 years, of course).

  4. There are 2 things predictable in life everyday – the sun coming up in the morning and a new morning video of something burning in Russia

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