Russian Telegram channels report a rebellion of convicts in colony 19, Volgograd region of Russia. Convicts are holding several prison workers hostage, at least one was already killed. Head of the colony is also held hostage. Russian special forces have already arrived.

Russian Telegram channels report a rebellion of convicts in colony 19, Volgograd region of Russia.

Convicts are holding several prison workers hostage, at least one was already killed. Head of the colony is also held hostage.

Russian special forces have already arrived.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Ok, everyone calm your tits: russian special forces have arrived for the 3 day prison break special operation.

  2. The special forces just kill everyone, starting with the prison workers. Then the news communicates everything is fine now and that all survived.

  3. Probably tired of being forced to their death.

    Unfortunately for them, in Russia, justice will not save you. You will go to your death in Ukraine.

  4. How many of those “special forces” are freshly recruited convicts themselves?

  5. Great choice, being held hostage by convicts, or being “rescued” by Russian special forces… personally I think they have a better chance of survival without being rescued

  6. Considering how russia has handled the hostage situations at the school and in the theatre, probably nobody will make it out alive.

  7. “Russian special forces have already arrived”.

    Help is on the way bo… *remembers Beslan’s massacre* OH FUCK

  8. “Special Forces“… so they will just bomb the place and level it to the ground. Or release some nerve agent.

  9. Probably serious lack of prison workers allowed this to happen. I bet many of them were sent to the front lines or military factories.

  10. Hah, hah, ruzzia unravelling, pro tip to ruzzian prison wardens; don’t treat your prisoners like utter scum (though many are, as are many of the staff ) and maybe when the tables are turned they won’t slit your throat.

  11. Everyone knows how this it’s going to end… badly for the convicts…very bad… terminal bad…not compatible with life bad…

  12. small reminder. ruzzia leveled Aleppo to “not to fight ISIS on russian soil”. same shit with Ukraine. acording to plan i guess

  13. I didn’t have “Russia experiences VORKUTA style Prison Riot” on my bingo card

  14. Did this happen last year?(different colony same scenario) Pretty sure they sent the special forces inside the colony in an ambulance,

    when they tried to open the doors to load it to escape the spec ops killed them dead on the spot..

  15. If they take out everyone there isn’t anyone left to torture. So probably let a few live for amusement

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