Proletarsk oil depot. Day six. Russians claim that there was a drone attack on what’s remaining from the oil depot

Proletarsk oil depot. Day six. Russians claim that there was a drone attack on what’s remaining from the oil depot

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. OK, so what?
    But I think the Ukraine military probably has its attention elsewhere while we enjoy the show.

  2. When your “emergency response” is so slow, your opponent has time to build and deliver another attack 🫠

  3. How long can Russia keep going like this under sanctions (and now occupation lol), losing 30k+ soldiers per month, burning its currency reserves and national wealth fund, inflation becoming out of control, dwindling soviet weapon stocks, oil exports barely profitable, oil infrastructure on fire, and with Europe having broken its addiction to Russian Natural Gas?

  4. The Rats leaving the sinking ship …Lets wait and See the Kerosene Tanks blowing up !

  5. We should offer bounties to whichever Russians are first to provide film of explosions in Russia. Let the Russians figure out the “loophole” in the scheme. 😉

  6. 1st time someone took my advice.

    KICK THEM while they are down. ” FINISHED HIM! ” mortal combat.

    You will not get a second chance.

  7. Russia 2022: Kyiv in 3 days!
    Russia 2024: We aspire to put out a fire sometime before the end of the month. Or until the fuel runs out, whichever happens last.

  8. Im pretty sure Ukraine is managing global oil prices better than OPEC ever did.

    The price of gas goes down a bit….. Oil depots start blowing up in Russia. Gas goes up, they stop blowing up mostly.

  9. Firefighters pulling back is a great sign. But there are still a fair few tanks that need to catch light. Although it looks like there are little flares every so often from what I assume are release valves so we know the pressure in them is building.

  10. There were as many as 40 reservoirs remaining intact yesterday … This could go on for a few weeks! 👌

  11. Play with fire you get burnt. When will they learn? They have lost over 600k soldiers and the worst is yet to come. The whole wide world is watching Putin and looking forward to his final days.

  12. This is an absolute disaster. If things in Russia don’t stop burning soon, I’m never going to get any work done.

  13. No drone noises or sounds from HE. Perhaps they don’t know the difference between a drone strike and a bleve?

  14. You know what would probably help put this out? Another drone attack to blow up the remaining fuel reserves.

  15. In one of older videos when this fire just started one firefighter said that some of these tanks used to store gasoline. I guess now we have a visual conformation.

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