My boyfriend is flying to Egypt from Berlin.. he’s taking this with him. Would it cause a problem?

This a bosch dishwasher spare part. He bought it and thought it will be smaller. My boyfriend looks middle eastern, how likely would they f*ck him up?

by ChannelLegitimate483

  1. I’d guess having the manual with him, where it is explained that he is carrying a dishwasher spare part would be good thing to do.

  2. Put it in the original wrap, if it is just a brown box make a note on it with the manufacturer, the machine this is a sparepart and the sparepart number. With this they can easy identify the object and will not execute your boyfriend immediately on the landingfield.

    Ohh and of course not hand baggage.

  3. In Berlin? Should not be a problem as long it follows the luggage rules (no battery in checked baggage and stuff). Why would it be a problem?

    My mother brought much larger car spare parts regularly (steering wheel, door panels, door hinges, etc. All for personal use, and we even went to customs with it to apply VAT refund).

    Arriving in Egypt, I don’t know.

  4. What do you think is happening in Germany? They see this plastic s*it, put it back in be bag an then he’s free to go.

  5. I’m from Egypt and look Middle Eastern and have passed through transit security in Frankfurt and Munich multiple times with a lot of PCBs and electronics and never faced an issue. It probably won’t get flagged since its not a liquid and has no batteries. He will be fine.

  6. What is that part worth?
    (As in what shows the invoice)
    Its most likely for personal use right?
    For Customs purposes in Egypt that may be important.

    I do not think bringing the part along will pose a challenge.
    Although Egyptian Customs has been known to not give a fuck and just do whatever they want.
    Is your BF egyptian, or speaks arabic, thats very benefical when talking to customs.

    Advice about cutoms procedures outside of your own country is generally hard to give.

    But i may have some more advice for you, as its my fiel of work!

  7. As an Egyptian idk man, the customs here are pretty scummy. If your bf is German tho, it’s highly unlikely they’ll bother him

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