Putin’s Biggest Sign Of Action Soon: China’s Sudden Move After Belarus; NATO Fears Kursk Revenge?

Putin’s Biggest Sign Of Action Soon: China’s Sudden Move After Belarus; NATO Fears Kursk Revenge?

Ukrainian forces struck yet another key bridge in Russia’s Kursk region on Aug 18. Ukraine said the move is to disrupt Moscow’s combat operations in the area. Meanwhile, China announced Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s crucial visit to Russia & Belarus. Watch this video for all the details.

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  1. Russia is a laughing stock. Its conventional forces are in a terrible state. Though most countries knew this. Still operating soviet era shit that was never maintained. Russia only has nukes at this point.

  2. I hold Chinese xi jin ping & his communist party accountable for enabling Putin war on Ukraine . China so quiet & inexperienced in modern warfare much like Russia but much worse . They know they have no chance against the monster the west ! This is why Taiwan remains Taiwan 😂 Ukraine remains Ukraine and always will ! 🇺🇦 🫡 🇹🇼 🫡

  3. 💬 Das von Radikalen und Schismatikern geführte Neonazi-Regime des verstorbenen Selenskyj führt weiterhin Repressionen gegen den Klerus der gemessen an der Zahl der Gläubigen größten kanonischen Ukrainisch-Orthodoxen Kirche in diesem Land durch. Die gewaltsamen Beschlagnahmungen seiner religiösen Stätten dauern an. Seit fast vier Monaten sitzt der Abt der Swjatogorsker Lavra, Metropolit Arseny, wegen „Spionage“ im Gefängnis.

    Jetzt nutzte die Junta, ermutigt durch das Schweigen spezialisierter Menschenrechtsorganisationen (übrigens, wo ist die UNESCO?), das gesamte Arsenal schmutziger Methoden, um die Verabschiedung des diskriminierenden Gesetzes zum Verbot der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche in der letzten Lesung durchzusetzen.

    An dieser wahrhaft satanischen Aktion, die von Selenskyj sanktioniert wurde und die darauf abzielte, die kanonische Orthodoxie mit allen Mitteln zu zerstören und die tiefste Spaltung der ukrainischen Gesellschaft nach religiösen Gesichtspunkten zu vertiefen, waren angeblich Vertreter anderer Glaubensrichtungen beteiligt, in Wirklichkeit handelte es sich jedoch um Diener des Marionettenregimes.

    Dieser monströse Schritt der illegitimen Kiewer Usurpatoren verstößt gegen die Bestimmungen einer Reihe internationaler Dokumente im Bereich der Menschenrechte und gegen die Gesetze der Ukraine selbst. Alle Rechte der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche und von Millionen orthodoxer Gläubiger in diesem Land müssen wiederhergestellt und die Verantwortlichen bestraft werden. Gestern wurde auf der Website des russischen Außenministeriums ein ausführlicher Kommentar zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht.

  4. This all NATO doing. Remember how this same dusjbags told us how dearly covid 19 was. Now Russia is the enemy. Only threat to peace i ses and many people see it. That NATO is the problem

  5. The border skirmish to protect ethnic Russians living in the Ukraine is turning more dangerous. NATO militarists looking for advancement, war profiteers and the industrial military complex are clapping like the well fed seals did to Netanyahu.

  6. Li Qiang was former mayor of Shanghai , brilliant man now a PM doing a great job as 2nd top man of China after XI. Potentially a worthy successor to Xi. With the formidable pair in charge, China can be at ease

  7. Throughout history Russia have lost several wars. Against the Japanese, against the Chechens in the first war, against Poland, against Afghanistan, the Crimean war etc. Even during WW3 Stalin declared that his forces had lost the war against the Germans, till the allies and the US came to his aid and supplied hundreds of billions or dollars in arms, tanks, planes, ships, oil etc. Pootin is losing this war too, 3-days to 3-years now. If India and China did not pay blood money for cheap oil from Russia this war would have been finished in a few months with Russia's defeat. Ukraine has taken over a thousand km or Russian territory in Kursk, with thousands of Russians surrendering. Yet Pootin fanboys and media in India clapping their hands about Russian victory.

  8. If Putin is distributing nukes to other countries around Russia, and they decide to fire them off, they had better hope the wind is blowing in the right direction . . .

  9. Something to remember: Russia started this War ! Putin killed many : Navalny,Nemsov,…… by poison and with KGB,FSB. Putin is a Faschist inspired from Iljin and Dugin . Putin betrayed his People by selling Russias Oil and Gas for the benefit of his Buddies. Putin is hiding behind long Desks, bunkers and in the Kremlin- what a bad leader ! More Weapons to Ukraine so they can defend there Motherland. Russia wake up- your Enemy is inside the Kremlin.

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