Ukraine ratifies the statute for joining the International Criminal Court

Ukraine ratifies the statute for joining the International Criminal Court

Posted by Im-so-controversial

  1. >However, many Ukrainians feared that ratification of the Rome Statute could allow the ICC to prosecute Ukrainian citizens participating in the armed conflict on Ukrainian territory.

    >To reflect those concerns, the legislation contains a clause that says Ukraine will not recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction in cases where the crimes may have been committed by Ukrainian nationals.

  2. I saw those post since yesterday, but today I checked Ukrainian media and the law has just been presented for the president to sign.

    By the way, I hate your new rules with 150-letter replies. I transferred all the relevant information in a shorter message.

  3. Goddamn, the rules for thee but not for me approach.

    I mean, how difficult can it be to just take a loss? A war crime is a war crime, simple as it can be

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