Michelle Obama references Donald Trump’s “black job” comment at DNC. #DNC #BBCNews

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  1. What did you do for American people 🤔 Just brainwashed our black people and promote radical lying to black people. Eight years of Obama and four Biden what did you do for black people decieved them to make money and power. Black people are suffered because of your lying 😂😂😂😂

  2. Is it me or do these butt kissing Trump supporters commenting sound like they don't know he's the one who said "Mexicans were taking all the Black jobs".
    Thats why Michelle Obama said what she said.

  3. This woman is talking lies trump never said that!! Also he isn’t intimidated by blacks wtf he’s always hired blacks and also hanged with blacks since day one….all this “chick” can do is bring up the race card girl bye

  4. These people are the worse they think everyone is an idiot like we cant see how shitty our country is and they dont care, as long as Trump isn’t president theyre willing to sacrifice this country. Liberal cons

  5. Blacks will look back on this speech someday and feel sc@mmed 🤦‍♂️ she knows that her husband will take over after Kamala, its all planned out y'all. The script is long done

  6. Former First Lady Michelle Obama Chewed Trump up into pieces and threw him to the Dogs. He probaly goingbto take lt AI to give him a comback response.

  7. Playing that race card keeps on working on Blacks who can’t rub two quarters together for generations without it coming from welfare. Enjoy poverty? Vote Democrats. In case you didn’t notice, they are all making money from you.

  8. Oh…i thought she was gonna say how he made americans fear the democrats and i was on board cause i can see that but then she goes on to make it about herself and obama and them being black…..what

  9. Well, the old saying” divide and conquer”. That’s in Trump‘s playbook . Just like Barack Obama said,” it’s the oldest trick in the book”.

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