Germany: Several reported killed in knife attack in Solingen

Germany: Several reported killed in knife attack in Solingen

by GeoAtreides

  1. Thread’s been up 15 minutes. The others got deleted, wonder if this one will be too

  2. Happened at a diversity festival. AfD is probably rubbing their hands. 

    And Nancy probably wants to ban knifes everywhere, because that will definitely stop attacks like this.

  3. These creatures only attack during festivals and gatherings to scare you. People shouldn’t back down and give in, hold more festivals and crank up the volume.

  4. So what do we actually know thus far? I have different narratives to push based on what information comes out.

  5. How about we wait for some real info ? And then all of us can go back to fighting each other in the comments but at least based on actual elements.

  6. Can everybody behave themselves while we don’t know who the perp is and not get the subbed banned for being a racist shithole? There are real problems with immigration in Europe but blaming every single attack on migrants as if we didn’t have homegrown criminals doesn’t help at all.

  7. Gee, I wonder, who did it…

    It’s always the same kind of people doing that shit, traumatized, lonely young men from the Middle East. This will cost us dearly in the long-term, having taken in lots of single men. When they have no family, no support network other than some TikTok islamists, they’re all ticking time bombs. Even if only a small percentage turn out to be knife maniacs or rapists or whatever, the rest are still competitors for local men, for jobs, for living space and ultimately for women.

  8. The suspect isn’t even caught nor identified and everyone is saying it’s a Muslim………. this world I swear

  9. My condolences to all the people who lost a loved one tonight. I really hope they get the attacker as fast as possible.

    PS: It’s quite sad to see so many people itt that can’t show the last amount of empathy but already start fearmongering.

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