Trump Looks So Ghastly and Hideous in New Photo at the Border People Are Wondering About His Health, ‘Looks Like the Crypt Keeper!’

Trump Looks So Ghastly and Hideous in New Photo at the Border People Are Wondering About His Health, ‘Looks Like the Crypt Keeper!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Yet that right ear is looking miraculously good for having sustained a 2 cm bullet wound in July.

  2. I’m trying to find this but just seen trump said he used to play football with OJ, he said OJ said trump was the fastest, maybe the fastest ever and had a tear in his eye thanking trump for playing football with a black man. can someone find this? we have to comment.

  3. You’re carrying this candidate to term – even if he raped you or is related to you, no exceptions.

  4. It literally looks like his makeup was done by an undertaker who sucks at their job. 

  5. I’ve never had so much hate and contempt for another human being before in my life. Just to see a pic of him anymore makes me nauseous. Its disturbing to me because I’ve found myself questioning whether I’m a decent person for feeling that way. The fact that I’m even having to consider that in the first place makes me dislike him even more.

  6. I said it recently, but I’ll say it again, if trump didn’t dye his hair, a lot of people would view him as a lot older than they do.

  7. Wow I knew this woman whose abusive boyfriend was cooking meth, and one time after beating her, he shoved her face in a barrel of red phosphorus. She looked like this

  8. Just thought I’d put it out there that this picture was taken by Brenden McDermid on April 24th, 2024.

  9. Also he’s such a narcissist (clearly)
    & germaphobe that he won’t let anyone do his hair or makeup. So that’s all his own creation

  10. He’s a diabolical idiot that is slowly trying to destroy our democracy. Vote vote vote! We deserve better than this guy.

  11. Well when you’re an adderall fueled tirade where you’re rage tweeting through the night virtually every night while also coming to terms that if you lose the election you’ll finally be thrown in prison then I’d imagine any of us would look like shit

  12. This is what happens when you get two hours of sleep because you spent the whole night on speed, thumb mashing nonsense on X.

  13. He reminds me of Pope John Paul before he died. His handlers would prop him up in a wheelchair, stick a microphone in his face, and let him make fish lips and mumble to the crowd until he fell asleep. It was disturbing to watch. It bordered on elder abuse.

  14. It amazes me how the media holds Democrats, and most definitely held Biden to a different standard than the Dotard. All we heard about, ad nauseam, was Biden’s age. Now, not a fking word about Trump’s age, and very obvious dementia!

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