The National Review, One of the Nation’s Most Prominent Conservative Publications, Pops MAGA’s Bubble About Trump: ‘He’s a weak, unpopular, undisciplined candidate’

The National Review, One of the Nation’s Most Prominent Conservative Publications, Pops MAGA’s Bubble About Trump: ‘He’s a weak, unpopular, undisciplined candidate’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – The Republican Party cannot blame the media’s positive reaction to Vice President Kamala Harris for the downturn in their fortunes, [wrote]( National Review executive editor Mark Antonio Wright. Rather, their problem begins with the fact that they “picked a bad candidate” to lead the ticket.

    The National Review is one of the nation’s most prominent conservative publications, and has stood by Republicans for decades — but in recent years, many of its authors have [expressed queasiness]( with former President Donald Trump.

    “The reason why the Republican Party is, at the moment, on track to lose the 2024 election is that the Republican Party is a minority coalition that picked a very unpopular 78-year-old retread as its candidate,” wrote Wright. “Trump’s weakness only remained hidden for much of this year because President Joe Biden was struggling with his campaign, and voters desperately wanted an alternative to redoing the 2020 election. And now they have one.”

    “Is Harris an ideal candidate? Is she an incredibly talented orator? Is she deft on her feet and nimble in debate? Is she a famous wonk? Does she have a long track record of competence at the state and federal level? Has she been scrutinized by a tough no-nonsense press and come out stronger on the other side?” wrote Wright. “No, of course not — but she’s an alternative to Trump/Biden, and that’s probably going to be enough.”

    And the media fluff pieces about her are not going to decide any elections, he added — they are simply reflections of the mood the public is already in.

    “The GOP electoral coalition is the smaller, weaker coalition. It’s lost the popular vote seven out of nine times in my lifetime (I’m 36). It has lost the Electoral College three out of the last four cycles. Conservatives might not be very eager to hear this, but ‘We the People’ are mostly Democrats,” Wright continued.

    Republicans can still win despite this, he added, but so far the only times that has happened is when they nominated outsiders — and Trump is now the last thing from an outsider you could imagine.

    “Trump isn’t losing because Kamala Harris is being hyped by the press and fluffed up to kingdom come. He isn’t losing because the press is being unfair to him. He’s losing because he’s a weak, unpopular, undisciplined candidate running at the head of a weak, minority electoral coalition. That’s the truth, whether anyone wants to hear it or not,” Wright concluded.

    All that remains, he said, is for Republicans to “stop whining” and try to create a stronger coalition — which so far there is no indication they are trying to do.


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  2. I remember the National Review, and William F Buckley. He hails from an era when conservatives actually valued being intellectual.

  3. Really hard to build a broader coalition, when a huge part of your candidates publicly disdain single woman , gays , minorities, people of different faith and pretty much anyone who doesn’t think exactly like you do.

    I get the feeling it will take a decade or longer to even think about a larger coalition… Basically you will need to get away from the people who push Christian nationalism and the far right wing … The people who sit there and say no compromise and we only care about certain Americans. Also GOP do your damn job … You are at this moment the Congress what has passed the least amount of bills in US history.. congratulations you are incompetent on a historic scale.

  4. Wow…you know you’re fucked as a republican when even NR is fed up with your shit.

  5. Your coalition is going to be small when your goal is to turn our form of government autocratic 

  6. You know it’s going to be a bad election for Republicans, because they still underestimate Harris. Trump is weak, but that’s not the whole story. Harris is a great orator, and all the other good things they claim she isn’t.

  7. There still might be some actual Conservatives there. The remaining Republicans and Trump are extremists and have basically nothing to do with conservativism. They are probably wistful for old William F. Buckley.

  8. When you’re a conservative politician and the National Review thinks you’re weak and unpopular, it is perhaps the beginning of the end.

  9. He’s a serial liar, a rapist, a pedo, a sexual predator, a grifter and conman, a convicted felon, an insurrectionist and a traitor to this country. He puts himself before the country or anyone else. He’s a piece of garbage at best and he should not be let anywhere near a position of power. The only place he belongs is a prison cell.

  10. Even before Biden dropped out he was weak and unpopular. We have had 4 years living in the post pandemic world economy, most media fully behind him and his anti media treating him with kid gloves. Borderless propaganda and funding flowing to him. Their guy is so awful that all this advantage and pinning the blame of all the world’s issues on the current administration wasn’t enough to put him past slightly better than 50/50 while losing down ballot like crazy.

    Now he is running vs a very average centrist Dem and is falling apart.

  11. He must have yelled at the wrong Man behind the curtain for these stories to be coming out.

  12. I’m hoping it doesn’t happen. After the last 20 years of dumbfu*()ry perpetrated by the GOP they richly deserve the shellacking heading their way.

    But you’ll know the bloom is well and truly off the rose when Republican candidates this election cycle begin an “every man for himself” strategy and begin to actively and publicly abandon Trump.

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