Kanadas Konservative Partei löscht patriotisches Video, das fälschlicherweise russische Kampfjets zeigt | CNN

Kanadas Konservative Partei löscht patriotisches Video, das fälschlicherweise russische Kampfjets zeigt | CNN


  1. In other news, Canada’s Conservative Party is apparently not very bright.

    Local council spokeman for the conservatives, Felippe Le Buttstick replied, “Maybe, yes. But we are smarter than the American Conservatives. We just need to find our own Trump and we will never lose again!”

  2. Besides the simpleton story this video was telling (“They drove home to the west, after we all got pissed up celebrating uncle Billy getting off the sauce aver the RCMP busted him again for DUI outside of Moose Jaw”), the morons in the war room couldn’t even source the right stock footage.

    “flighty things look good”

    “watermarks, I don’t drip anything?”

  3. They really aren’t who should be considered viable candidates.. and I thank them for showing us their true colours !

  4. It’s like the entire conservative global movement is cooperating with Russians everywhere.

  5. Fuck, theyre all clueless!
    Aint the first time with their political videos showing other countries, or bringing in guest speakers who weren’t vetted. All of em are a joke.
    May as well vote NDP across-the-board to try to even things out. We’ll see how shitty they all end up being trying to play 2nd fiddle to handle the country together, when all they’re gonna do is cry about the other parties instead of doing their goddamn job like they actually give a shit about this country.
    Cant even take making a fucking ad seriously anymore. Holy hell….

  6. The conservatives ARE being patriotic, just not to Canada.

    They accidentally are saying the quiet part out loud.

  7. This particular video was rife with non-Canadian footage. Lots and lots of stock footage, including the “home” part which was actually Venezuela. Just an absolutely stupid video. My guess is some shitty staffer (possibly a TFW just to add insult to injury) just looked up free-use or cheap stock footage to use that fit the beats of the commercial without doing any further research.

  8. As a politically ignorant buffoon I’m just curious.

    All I hear about is how much everyone hates Trudeau at work, see the bumper stickers on an hourly basis, news is always going off about how extremely likely it is that Pierre will be the next PM and massive poll leads etc, and then every time I peruse the comments about anything to do with the conservatives on reddit, its 100% liberal/ndp support with a necessary extreme hatred of the conservatives.

    Its just kind of bizarre.
    Is it AI bots?

  9. Canada are yalls Republicans like ours?

    If so, tell them to give their balls a tug.

    ~a neighbor from the south that knows little about Canadian politics

  10. Yah PP should have been proud of our patriotic boys flying Russian jets. Don’t their PR people have any intelligence at all?

  11. Also from the head of the party:


    “On the 85th anniversary of Black Ribbon Day, we remember the victims of Soviet Socialism & National Socialism (Nazism).

    May we never forget the countless atrocities committed by these socialist ideologies, and may we honour those who fought to liberate Europe.

    Canada must always stand against socialism for freedom and democracy.”

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