MAGA Rioter Self-Publishes Book Detailing His Role in The Jan 6 Insurrection — And Gets Arrested

MAGA Rioter Self-Publishes Book Detailing His Role in The Jan 6 Insurrection — And Gets Arrested

MAGA Rioter Self-Publishes Book Detailing His Role in The Jan 6 Insurrection — And Gets Arrested

Posted by newsjam

  1. Off to jail with you then. And don’t let the American Flag hit you in the arse the way. #loser

  2. HAHAHAHAHA fuckin dumbass


    (wipes away tear)


  3. Think this will deter or spur the next pack of MAGAt idiots from an insurrection?

    Go ahead, you can boast about it behind bars.

  4. I’m sure the MAGA crowd will justify it by “He was just using free speech which is constitutionally protected”.

  5. Self published on the back of a Carl’s Jr napkin

    “Carl’s Jr: Fuck You, I’m Eating”

  6. I don’t see him “writing” a book.

    I’m guessing it was a “Where’s Waldo” style book?

  7. They’re very fortunate to be Americans, as in a lot of places, they’d have been mowed down on the spot and buried in an unmarked pit somewhere.

  8. You know those people who like hurting themselves? This is one of those people. If he had any brain cells, he would have stayed quiet. But since the whole book is pretty much an admission of guilt, his only hope is for a plea deal – to start naming OTHER people involved. Otherwise he’s going to be locked away for a very long time, hopefully anyways.

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