Die Ukraine behauptet, sie habe in der russischen Region Kursk US-Gleitbomben eingesetzt und Teile des Landes in Charkiw zurückerobert.

Die Ukraine behauptet, sie habe in der russischen Region Kursk US-Gleitbomben eingesetzt und Teile des Landes in Charkiw zurückerobert.


  1. And with that, another Russian propaganda narrative evaporates. Just days ago they were posting how the Kursk incursion was going to drain resources from the east and cause a total collapse of the front lines.

  2. Russia love to use their glide bombs against Ukraine. Now Russia receive reciprocal glide bombs compliment of US.

  3. The Kursk offensive was an exciting breath of fresh air but this is what we really want to see – Ukraine taking back it’s own territory.

  4. I believe the 3rd Brigade is behind the retaking of land in Kharkiv.

    They released a “teaser” clip the other day about it, so I guess we’ll see once the full thing is released.

  5. I love all the speculation around if they can hold what they have taken in Kursk. Holding long term was never an objective. But retaking it *must* be an objective for Russia to save face, and that is the point.

    In the face of a serious offensive Ukraine can just leave and grind up the counteroffensive at their leisure using mines, artillery or rockets. Anything but loosing men holding the territory. Meanwhile Russia’s offensive continues to be stalled, or the real goal, driven back.

  6. The glide bombs were the reason they needed the F-16’s so bad. As soon as they showed up, Ukraine started pushing Russia around.

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