The Boucher Roa md playing fields are a 3.4 miles from my house, is this a concert or the Battle of LA?

The Boucher Roa md playing fields are a 3.4 miles from my house, is this a concert or the Battle of LA?

by bikeonachrist

  1. The Battle for LA? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localised entirely in the Boucher Road Playing Fields?!?

  2. Yeah I am up on the hill in Drumbo and thought I was taking a stroke while out having a smoke wondering what the fuck was going on with the sky

  3. I think it’s kinda cool

    Ps, they’re testing the lighting set up,so they have big flood lights and the spot lights and about 4000 other lights they’re testing all at once, the actual show won’t have all the lights all the time. But still. I think it’s neat.

  4. Would some kind soul add distant explosion sound effects please. Perhaps a Martian death beam horn too.

    Cool shit all the same.

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