Zweiter ukrainischer Drohnenangriff verschärft Brand im Treibstoffdepot in Rostow

Zweiter ukrainischer Drohnenangriff verschärft Brand im Treibstoffdepot in Rostow

  1. > to the oil and gas inferno in its **sixth** day

    This is the same one where priests were seen blessing fire trucks on day 3 or 4, so we’re 2-3 days into the priests-required stage.

  2. 50 fire fighters injured already and it’s not over yet. Toxic fumes and vapors abound. What a nightmare. Just the noise and the smell would be terrifying. Oh well, such is war, yep there is nothing good about war. I don’t think Putin has the intellectual capacity to work it all out.

  3. When a hurricane hits the US, the power companies from several states away send 100s to 1000s of repair vehicles and crews. The governors of those states send 1000s of nat guard troops to assist in security and damage control.

    Where’s the backup support in RU? I can’t imagine why fire companies from 100s of miles away from that depot haven’t already arrived to at least give the local crews time to rest.

    Heck, if RU was to GTFO of all of UA, I’ll bet if asked the west would have fire fighting crews at that depot within days.

  4. >In a spectacular Thursday raid a pair of Ukrainian Neptune cruise missiles flew hundreds of kilometers from a launch site reportedly in the Zaporizhzhia region to break through Russian air defenses to hit and sink the 4,500-ton Conroe Trader ferry which was loaded with 30 rail cars carrying fuel intended for Crimea and was tied up at pier in the port.

    >According to Ukrainian military sources, the vessel was the last-rail car capable vessel operated by Russia in the Black Sea region. Its destruction combined with damage to the Proletarsk facility has, according to observers, left Kremlin logisticians with few means of transporting fuel into Crimea at the necessary scales.


  5. Noice. Cook it down and give the Ruzzians a good idea of how this will end for them.

  6. I wonder if a major focus on this has been coordinated with the west latest sanctions on companies still doing business with Russia and funding the war effort. Make Russia even more reliant on gas sales to fund the war with those sanctionsand then Ukraine hitting the supply.

    Then need to target the refineries too. Hit em on multiple ends .

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