More than 850,000 youngsters not in education or employment in UK

More than 850,000 youngsters not in education or employment in UK

by topotaul

  1. What’s the point, they will never own a house. Will probably never be able to retire. They are being priced out of driving. What’s the point in working anymore, so you can afford brand cereal instead of smart price….

  2. The worlds not built right for a lot of people, but at some point, you’ve got to stop expecting the world to change for you, and get on with playing the cards you are dealt.

  3. Instead of bringing in more and more cheap labour from abroad how about we invest a substantial amount of time and resources in retraining and coaching our young people (and even older to be honest) to prepare them for new opportunities in the workplace? Sadly the argument that they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get on with it isn’t the way forward. Not everyone has that independent drive. They need real support and encouragement to believe that they haven’t already failed, because too many young people can’t currently see a way forward.

  4. Age 23 I cut my wrists and was on anti depressants. Getting a job, any job was what I needed. Unfortunately it seems it’s more comfortable to stay at home for these kids whereas I needed to get out for my sanity. I know it’s hard but sitting at home because you don’t have your dream job or know what you want to do is not an excuse.
    Yes some in that number will be special needs, unable to work for genuine mental health or physical, but this number is too big. 

  5. Anecdotally I know of a young person under 30 in this situation.   

    He left college, got an office job he hated, then after a few years when their Dad passed away unexpectedly he was bequeathed an inheritance of nearly one hundred thousand pounds.   

    He quit his job and currently lives with his Mum in his old childhood bedroom having most of his bills covered by Mum and paying for his hobbies with the pot of “fun money” he inherited.   

    He has absolutely no plans to rejoin the job market for now. His family were third generation middle class and he’s very comfortable in their large house continuing to be paid for and looked after by Mum. She seems OK with this arrangement too because it stops her being lonely.   

    And that’s currently his plan. Barely any living costs for him. He will stay at home until the Mum passes on and he inherits the house from her plus any remaining money in pensions and assets (Mum also inherited well).

    I think this story must be happening  a lot of UK families where massive unearned housing wealth exists somewhere in the family.   

    When the conditions are right (few siblings to split the money and/or parents die young without needing care) you end up with some young people inheriting absolute fortunes and being able to check out of the job market entirely, or switch to part time.    

    Is it fair? Hard to answer.

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