Trump finally admits he lost the election. Trump noted: “I got many millions more votes than I got the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short.”

Trump finally admits he lost the election. Trump noted: “I got many millions more votes than I got the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short.”

Posted by Dyingtoeatpodcast

  1. Why is he changing his story now ?

    Did he just forget to lie or is this in response to one of the many criminal charges he is facing ?

  2. Fuuuuuuuuck this guy. Why does he continue to perpetuate the big lie when clearly knows it’s not true. He’s simply trying to be annoying.

  3. Can’t even keep his lies straight anymore. His brain is absolute mush. Maybe he caught syphilis on Epstein’s island. Time to exile his ass back there Napoleon style.

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