Losses of the Russian military to 24.8.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 24.8.2024


  1. Even on relatively slow days we can count on 40+ artillery and 50+ logistics vehicles liquidated, the former is a lot harder to replace than the latter and will eventually drop off significantly.

  2. Those numbers are insane.

    Unfortunately Russia has a near unending supply of idiots, so Putlet will keep signing them up, by force or otherwise.

  3. Single digit tanks losses. Likely because very few tanks are being used by the Russians.

  4. Those numbers are INSANE!

    Just think about how much money it would take Ruzzia to take care of the soldiers who lost limbs… I know,I know… They are NOT going to do it. BUT that creates another problem-when you don’t take care of handicapped veterans,it makes it MUCH harder to make people sign up in the future.

    And the replacement costs for that hardware-astronomical! The majority of that hardware is from Soviet times-it took DECADES to accumulate.

    Just NUTS!

  5. Today marks two and a half years of the Ukrainians putting up a valiant and heroic fight against an imperialist aggressor. Two and a half years of a three day special military operation that has devastated the Kremlin regime financially, diplomatically and militarily.

    Who knew two and a half years ago that the AFU would be launching their own special military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarise Kursk? So far, at least 93 settlements and 1264 square kilometres have been de-Nazified and de-militarised, and I’m guessing more is to come as the AFU likely plans on expanding its SMO along Ukraine’s borders .

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