Wouldn’t surprise me in the least

Wouldn’t surprise me in the least

Posted by jimx29

  1. Silver lining, at least they’re calling rapists rapists. Instead of using soft language to make it seem less bad(while also being inaccurate).

  2. Aren’t they trying to make it so being trans in public, or giving hormones to trans people equates to pedophilia?

  3. I might actually go for that. But don’t stop at children. Rapist are abhorrent in any society. Traffickers too.

  4. The Supreme Court already ruled against this in 2008. No murder, no death penalty (for crimes against individuals, some crimes against groups or the government might still qualify)

  5. Rape and murder are state crimes. How would he accomplish this? Death penalty for violating civil rights?

  6. All of the thirteen year old girls who have accused Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein of rape will be relieved that they will finally get some justice!

  7. Well, there goes the last dregs of the GOP.

    Well, enough mourning! Who wants a living wage and affordable healthcare?

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