Oops! That Trump Event With Michigan Cops May Have Broken the Law.

Oops! That Trump Event With Michigan Cops May Have Broken the Law.


Posted by ObjectiveAd6551

  1. >In a video posted days before the event, Sheriff Michael Murphy offered this preemptive defense: “Let me make a couple of things clear: One, this is not a political event. This is a press conference.”

    A press conference that happened to support a political candidate?

  2. Once cops show they don’t know how to follow the law, they need to be fired and their accumulated pensions given to funds for police shooting victims.

  3. Trump would happily have Sheriff Michael Murphy go to jail for him because Trump doesn’t even care if you die as long as you die promoting his campaign. Remember the Iowa Caucus? The weather was sub-zero temps and -40 wind chill, but he told people that it was worth it for them to die voting for him.

    “You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it. ‘ Even if you vote then pass away, it’s worth it, remember.” — Donald Trump 1/14/24

  4. They haven’t done anything about all the laws he broke before this and they are not going to do anything about it now.

    And when he, as a convicted felon on release prior to sentencing, holds his rally to work up his army of January 6th rioters and sympathizers – they’ll do nothing then as well!

  5. Trump doing something illegal, why I’ve never heard of something so outrageous, said no sane person, ever!

  6. Right? It’s just another day where Trump breaks the law. But he’s an old man and doesn’t care barf

  7. LOL, like some *judge* is going to care. Trump has consistently stiffed multiple cities, lawyers, even so-called *friends*. Nothing will happen to him. He pulls the *they’re trying to silence me* political bullshit and so-called hard judges turn cuck.

  8. Internal Affairs needs to be a single nationwide agency, under the wing of Homeland Security, with jurisdiction over every single police force in the USA, city state and federal, and be run by minorities with law degrees, and no current or past police officials may be members of it.

    Sadly US cops have shown the complete inability to police themselves in any way, and there must be civilian oversight over them at all times. The few good cops that call out the bad ones are shunned, chastised, and fired/forced to quit.

    Would be a good start to help start to fix that broken part of the US Justice system.

  9. When has that ever mattered? Dude breaks the law all the time and faces no consequences.

  10. It was illegal. They’re not allowed to host political events like that. Period.

  11. That’s all this fat fucking moron does is break laws, every week. At this point who fucking cares because there isn’t ever any justice.

    Just vote to make sure his ass never holds office again.

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