Perma banned from Reddit because of russians

First of all, fuck Russia and it's people. I'm so sick of hearing people on reddit always claim that all their soldiers are forced to war.
But it seems pretty fucking optionally to rape, murder, bomb, kidnapping, plunder and other shit they do…

I had a account on reddit with lots of karma and several good discussions on many subs, and it got banned.
I went to a pro-russian sub and spoke the truth and got banned (understandable but infuriating).
But when I woke up today the account was perma banned…

This has happened many times before in other types of subs, like combatfootage and such..
Do I make this a bigger thing than it is or is reddit more and more on russias side?

Sorry for rant but is so tired of not be able to speak freely of russians

Slava Ukraini!
Death to invaders

by NoInvestigator6711

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