German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s coffin draped in EU flag as world leaders pay tribute in 2017

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s coffin draped in EU flag as world leaders pay tribute in 2017

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. He has some merits, but totally fucked up his legacy by covering up illegal donations to his party and putting his word of honor towards the donator to keep his name a secret above his oath to work for the good of the German people. He also treated his ill wife badly, married again and fucked up his family. He has a pretty non-descriptive grave in a park in Speyer.

    Edit: Made a post about his gravesite in Speyer.

  2. In large part he embodied all that’s wrong in German mindset.
    Notable example is how he didn’t even want to talk with Poles on issues such as common border until he was practically forced to by Americans. This set the pattern of German leaders just ignoring that sovereign states exist in the space between Berlin and Moscow and glossing over any of their concerns. This is what later gave us Nord Stream.

  3. Fun fact: they had to use an extra wide casket so he could take all the bribes he took in his long career into the next life.

  4. Question
    Why isn’t his coffin draped in German flag?
    He was German first,European second,so why eu flag?

  5. Together with his French counterpart François Mitterand, he helped create the common currency and laid the foundation for the ever-closer Union as the architect of the Maastricht Treaty.

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