Ukraine drone take a break after her hour shift

Ukraine drone take a break after her hour shift

by ladykaka1234

  1. Ah, so it’s you who’s been smoking near the ammo dumps and oil depots! Keep up the good work!

  2. Smokers kill. (I would love a t-shirt with that line the picture from the video)

    You gotta love those Ukrainians for their humor, ngl.

  3. Ahahah. This is what i hope robots of the future look like. Slightly anthropomorphised but not trying too hard to look like humans or animals. This thing is cute as heck!

  4. You try flying with just four flippers, juking, diving, climbing, swerving, trying to avoid projectile ordnance while looking for the target drop. And they’re outta booze when I get home. Damn!!! No respect at all, you dimwits😠

  5. Hahahaha. I needed a good laugh. That’s hilarious! Glad you guys have a moment for humor. I’m praying for a return of all Ukrainian land, restoration, restitution and prosecution. If this were a just world that’s exactly what you would get! Nothing can bring back sacrifices and loved ones. You people are fighting for freedom and liberty, don’t let politicians steal that from you. God bless and Slava Ukraine.

  6. Even if she’s not a “kamikaze” drone, she won’t live a long life.

    I do note that life expectancy in Ukraine for a male is not that much better than that of ruZZia which is less than 65 years. Smoking is a factor.

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