[OC] US flag evolution

[OC] US flag evolution

Posted by TopGlobalCharts

  1. The most interesting part is the beginning. The first flag is the only one without stars. On the second and third flags, the number of stripes matches the number of states (**the third flag is the only one with 15 stripes instead of 13**). After that, the number of stars always corresponds to the current number of states, while the 13 stripes symbolize the 13 founding states.

    If you’re interested in this topic and would like to learn more, I invite you to watch short animation:


    New animations about the history of flags from around the world are coming soon. If you’re interested, subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything! 🙂

    I generate my graphics using Python scripts, and then I combine them into animations using tools like Canva or CapCut.

  2. The ones with 37 and 43 states are absolutely disgusting. Hope they shot those ungodly creatures who designed those.

  3. The current 50 state flag seems the most aesthetically pleasing one. Or it could be because it’s the only one I’m used to

  4. Some of those have an absolutely appalling layout of stars. Get a decent graphic designer, 1867.

  5. Technically there’s no rule on how wide the strips should be, or where the stars should be located. Or even what exact color should be.

    So you can *technically* make the flag look like a communist flag.

  6. most people don’t realize that hawaii wasn’t yet a state when the japanese bombed pearl harbor.

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