She’s like Cruella DeVille but blonder and generally less pleasant

She’s like Cruella DeVille but blonder and generally less pleasant

Posted by eastbayted

  1. I love how Coulter screams about family values but can’t keep a man or have a family because she’s such an icy bitch.

  2. Real talk though, imagine what a good father you have to be to get a teenager to cry tears of joy for you. Walz can be America’s Dad whether he’s VP or not (but god I hope he’s VP)

  3. Every time that I’ve seen their lowest, I was sure that it was in fact, their lowest. I am utterly blown the fuck away by what the Republican party has become.

  4. Maybe if the evil democrats had mentioned the kid had non-verbal autism and wasn’t just a regular child I wouldn’t have been tempted to say something awful.

  5. Every once in a while, when I want to experience the inappropriate-but-understandable happiness of watching a shitty person getting verbally blasted by professional insult wordsmiths, I go back and watch Rob Lowe’s Roast on Comedy Central where somehow Ann Coulter got invited, and everybody wound up taking advantage of the moment to hurl genuinely hurtful and angry (but still exceptionally funny) potshots at her. If “hateful comedy” was ever a thing, this will forever be its quintessence.

  6. I just love how being called simply “weird” has hit such a nerve that they have elicited the “nu-uh, you are” defense.

  7. If there was a different person on stage… a country artist or a pastor up there every one would be amazed by how powerful the message was… but because it’s a at a democratic convention it’s bad? Also what family values? It’s beyond shameful to bully this child

  8. This vampire bat, this inhuman beast 🎶
    She ought to be locked up and never released🎶
    She makes such a wholesome world colder 🎶
    She’s Anna, she’s Anna Coulter🎶

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