Selenskyj: Ukraine setzt erstmals neue Drohnenrakete aus heimischer Produktion ein

Selenskyj: Ukraine setzt erstmals neue Drohnenrakete aus heimischer Produktion ein

  1. Wow, I can barely figure out how to use my phone’s camera and Ukraine is out here making drone missiles.

  2. A drone missile would mean that someone is guiding it live while it is flying through the air, which makes no sense to me since it has to be flying at ridiculous speeds to be getting through air defense systems (at least Zelensky claims Russia will not be able to shoot it down).

  3. Translation. “We filed off the cereal numbers and gave it some paint. Now it’s a ‘domestic made’ missile”

  4. At the start, people were saying “this war will take years!”. I was skeptical; Ukraine was doing so well, russia was messing up left and right. How could this war last years?

    Now I know. Too little aid and stupid shortsighted rules on the aid that is actually provided. They got to dig in, do a mobilization, find alternative buyers for their hydrocarbons, evade sanctions, influence more corrupt politicians, change to a war economy, empty their storages and make deals for weapons with Iran and NK.

    It hurts a lot to know how much suffering could have been prevented. Zelensky sounds like a broken record because what is there left to say? Shoot down these missiles, let all logistics and maintenance be performed by NATO, provide hundreds of tanks and artillery, and give them full freedom with what they hit. It’s been 2.5 years. LET THEM WIN ALREADY

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