⚡️🚀 Today, a completely new weapon, the Ukrainian missile-drone “Palyanytsia”, was used for the first time. The enemy was hit, – Zelensky


by nfrankel

  1. The term “Palyanytsia” (Ukrainian: паляниця) refers to a traditional Ukrainian bread, characterised by its round shape and crispy golden-brown crust. It is a type of white bread that is often associated with Ukrainian culture and cuisine.

    Recently, the term has gained symbolic significance in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, as the word “Palyanytsia” is difficult for non-native Ukrainian speakers, particularly Russians, to pronounce correctly. Ukrainians began using this word as a linguistic test to distinguish non-natives, who struggle with its pronunciation, making it a part of cultural and political symbolism.

  2. This could imply a couple of things.

    A missile might be rocket or jet powered. It might be a drone that fires missiles. But based on the wording I’m assuming the former.

    I would assume this refers to a two stage system, and is designed to overcome the problems of the GLSDB, which is a gliding munitions that is launched by rocket, converting altitude to travel to its target.

    In another thread I wrote about how to potentially fix the problems found with GLSDB and Excaliber GPS guided rounds, which have almost completely stopped working against EW jammed targets.

    The solution is the GPS guide to the general area, and then use object recognition for navigation. To facilitate striking the target it needs a search protocol, and object recognition and map reading is easier at level altitude. The solution then is a winged gliding drone that has a small power source and motor, so whilst that sounds just like a plane, it’s actually a powered glider as it doesn’t need to gain altitude, the power and energy requirement is much less, and gliding means with a glide ratio of 10, the glider can travel 10 km on 1 km of altitude. Glide bombs may have higher or lower glide ratios. So range is increased greatly. It can also approach lower and be less observable as a powered glider, or dive from a more ideal altitude.

    Alternatively, the strategy may be the other way around. Some attack drones need a lot of power to hit because they need speed to avoid countermeasures, such as gliding through an EW jammed area or avoiding weapons.

    This high power at the end of the flight is inefficiently drawn from the battery, so this impacts range as well as top speed. So it might be battery powered with a rocket final fast approach. This may also be useful intercepting any helix or other aircraft.

    Finally I might conceive the rocket is to get a single use drone to higher altitude to intercept targets in the air, it might deploy an FPV drone to terminate onto a detected target. This especially makes sense intercepting high altitude drones or GB’s.

    Edit, it seems I am wrong. It appears Ukraine has figured out how to make a slow guided missile to fill in for Storm Shadow and other Cruise missiles where there are restrictions imposed on where they can be used. I wrote up a proposal recently describing how they make their own and suggested jet pack/wingsuit turbines. I would bet that the design GPS guides to the vicinity of the target and uses ‘AI’ object recognition or derived from that map reading to hit the target in the GPS jammed area, but it might also rely on the use of INS since a lot of EW systems have quite short range, and jamming resistance is improving. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1f01wm1/comment/ljov5ur/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1f01wm1/comment/ljov5ur/)

    Edit 2, it seems I am wrong a second time. It’s a more basic cruise missile but should still be similar performance [https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1827280444565409875](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1827280444565409875)

  3. Wicked bakery humor, our Ukrainian friends has. Next missile system should be named “Kwasong” for the semi-circular baked bread of our French allies. 🤔 😝

  4. The day of the invasion I was talking to my dad the aerospace engineer because I knew he had been to Ukraine just a few months prior. He said that they outsourced a lot of mechanical and electrical engineering work there and that they were clever and very capable so expect to see innovations in payload delivery. He was not wrong.

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