Who can spot the European city?

Spoiler: you can't

by DirtyRelapse

  1. Hahahahahahah exactly, I lived in two of those cities, that’s why I don’t feel unsafe at all at Frankfurt Hbf, people think I’m insane when I say that. We Brazilians have 360 vision and spider sense for detecting danger around us.If I roam in Salvador-Brazil *even in the touristic areas* my spider sense (fight or flight instincts) scream like crazy. I don’t feel this in Frankfurt Hbf at all.

    Also, you guys had one stabbing a few hours ago. That’s awful and shouldn’t happen to anyone, but, we have so many stabbings and shootings every day. If you turn on the TV at lunch time the newscast will show lots of horrible stuff every day.

    Europe is great don’t let people tell otherwise. I hope you guys work to keep it awesome for the next century, I’m doing my part as an integrated good immigrant.

  2. There was also Naples some time ago (turns out living next to the biggest volcano in europe isn’t the brightest idea)

  3. I’ve lived in one of these cities trust me it matters a lot where in the city you live

  4. To be fair, I had to double check all those Mexican flags because I was confident it wasn’t us, but not to the point of certainty. 

  5. 90% of them speak portuguese or spanish… Did we do something wrong over there, Pedro?

  6. Comparing ourselves against third world countries (US inlcuded) is a bit like being proud of ourselves because we can run faster than a legless person

  7. It’s hard to spot non American city actually. And yet technically the continent isn’t at war

  8. And yet ever other post on my city’s sub is an American asking if it’s too dangerous to visit. Bloody barbarians.

  9. Hahaha you Europoors are about to have your cities overrun by Abdools and Shariah. We can already see the results in the New Caliphate of Swedistan. I suspect we will see you emigrating en masse to NA to escape your predi☪️ament.

    Foolish Europoors traded their quiet and smart Jewish population for the proselytizing boom 💥 boom culture. By god you will come to regret that decision. You get what you sow. Have fun!

  10. So much money to be made in the drug trade so gringos and eurocucks can get their high

    So much so that they kill each other 🤣

  11. Man for a second I thought those were Italian flags and I almost had a heart attack. 

  12. Oh my God, there is a lot of european cities, truly the situation is terrible in the Vice Royalties

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