In Ukraine, 115 defenders were returned from Russian captivity – Zelenskyy-Radio Svoboda more info will be provided in the comments)

In Ukraine, 115 defenders were returned from Russian captivity – Zelenskyy-Radio Svoboda more info will be provided in the comments)

by Qubecoiseman

  1. “As a result of the exchange, 115 Ukrainians were returned from Russian captivity, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

    According to him, these are soldiers of the National Guard, the Armed Forces, the Navy, and the State Border Guard Service.

    This is the first such exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and the Russian Federation since the Ukrainian military launched an operation in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation on August 6.After its start, the Ukrainian side reported a significant replenishment of the exchange fund. According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, hundreds of Russian soldiers surrendered in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. Moscow does not report this. The exact number of prisoners is unknown.

    The previous exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and the Russian Federation took place on July 17 – another 95 Ukrainians were returned from Russian imprisonment. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this was the 54th exchange of prisoners. In total, the Coordination Headquarters managed to return 3,405 people from Russian captivity.”-Radio Svoboda(RFE)


  2. Hope these brave warriors will get in shape again. Quite a few looks rather weak. Something to be expected from the russian scums

  3. Great way to start the morning, more hero’s of Azovstal are free! Looks like the videos of the conscripts asking to be traded for them worked.

  4. Surprisingly, they don’t look as traumatized and violated as I would have thought. Russia must have known they’ll get something in return. Brave men. Glad they can return to their families.

  5. Hopefully the POWs captured in Kursk will provide leverage for an exchange of all captured Ukrainians, especially Azov! May there be more exchanges to come and all Ukrainians prisoners are free!

  6. I can’t even imagine.

    From the descriptions of who has been returned it sounds like most of these guys will have been in russian captivity for over 2 years. Great news and happy Independence Day!

  7. Dont think POW from Kursk will last long…
    Eighter tortured like hell, get a one way to siberia or go to the meatgrinder front…

  8. That expression in the face in photo 4. So full of shocked relief. I think he’s ready to burst into tears of joy. What these poor brave men (and women) have gone thru not just in war as combatants but as POW’s.

  9. The operation in the Kursk region saved them; if it weren’t for the captured conscripts, Russia would have continued to torture these people!

  10. I’m gonna hazard a guess that Kadryovites were exchanged back to Russia for these Ukrainian POWs. It’s no coincidence Putin had to schlep to Chechnya last week after a bunch of Kadryovs guys got captured when Kursk was first invaded. He needs to get those guys home so he doesn’t lose his barrier troops.

  11. By next week our 115 Ukrainians will be thriving and healthy again, whereas the Orc POW’s will likely be choosing between a bullet or prison camp.

    Welcome home brothers! Slava Ukraini 💙💛

  12. Why does putin even fucking insist with this stupid invasion? Is he delusional? Since a Russian “win” is entirely off the table, any troll farm bots want to chime in on what is the goal? Surely you’re lurking about.

  13. Fuck Russia, these guys look like they survived the holocaust. I know it’s nothing new but still, just pisses me off that one man can decide to start a war and other men will commit such atrocities for their leaders without even questioning it. Humanity is cruel

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