A completely new weapon was used for the first time today at Ostrogozhsk

A completely new weapon was used for the first time today at Ostrogozhsk


by Norfolk_an_Chance

  1. This new weapon, coupled with Modern Western Weapons, will keep the Ukraine safe and push the Russians back. The Kursk oblast is first, followed by the entirety of the eastern regions of the Ukraine. Democracy is on the line here, and I fully stand behind President Harris and HER support for freedom too.

  2. The Ukrainians ability to improvise and develop new weapons has been a huge factor in why the Russians are doing so poorly. I wonder what they have up their sleeve for invading Moscow?

  3. Good news everyone!
    “Detonation continues.
    The head of the Ostrogozhsky district told about the situation after the UAV attack”
    Found at voronezh1 ru.
    Yes, they say UAV.
    Google finds more with:
    Детонация продолжается. Глава Острогожского района рассказал о ситуации после атаки БПЛА
    Rest of the article:
    “Explosions in the district began as early as at night
    August 24, 2024, 12:02

    In the Ostrogozhsk district of Voronezh region continues detonation of explosive objects,
    which began after a night attack by UAVs.
    This was reported by the head of the district Sergey Khoroshilov.
    He asked local residents to keep calm and all the requirements
    of the security services and be as careful as possible:

    – Roads where necessary were blocked, otherwise the recommendations are usual –
    not to approach any unfamiliar objects or fragments, not to forward or publish photos and videos.

    On the territory of three settlements introduced a state of emergency –
    “to ensure the safety of citizens and the ability to promptly resolve any issues”.

    Residents of one village and one SNT(settlement) were evacuated,
    so a temporary accommodation center was deployed.
    But so far almost everyone has decided to stay with relatives.

    – Our power engineers promptly inform about temporary localized power outages,
    I think everyone will take it with understanding,” added Sergey Khoroshilov.

    Police officers patrol the streets of settlements, from which the residents were evacuated.

    There are two injured people in the Ostrogozhsky district.
    One woman was treated, hospitalization was not required.
    Another woman is in a serious but stable condition.
    Now local doctors and specialists from the regional center for disaster medicine are working with her.”

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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