Today 115 of our defenders have returned home today from Russian captivity. These are soldiers from the National Guard, Armed Forces, Naval Forces, and the State Border Guard Service. Welcome back defenders!

Today 115 of our defenders have returned home today from Russian captivity. These are soldiers from the National Guard, Armed Forces, Naval Forces, and the State Border Guard Service. Welcome back defenders!

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. See this is part of what the Kursk offensive is about, Russian pow’s for Ukraine replenishing Ukraines pow’s, wonder why russia needed them returned so quickly compared to other units?

  2. Amazing news.

    Half of these returned Ukrainian POW’s don’t look like they’ve had a square meal in months. Why is the west not issuing icc arrest warrants for the people who are in charge of POW’s incarceration for inhumane treatment ? Why bother setting up the ICC if we aren’t going to charge people in ongoing conflicts with the very crimes the icc was set up to prosecute !

  3. Welcome home heroes, now go home, hug and kiss your loved ones, and eat like the kings you are!

    Slava Ukraine!

  4. Really shows the depravity of the Russian army.

    When Russian pow return they look tired but otherwise fine and healthy.

    When Ukrainian pow return home they look like they returned from Auschwitz

  5. Welcome back, heroes.

    Is there an organization or fund that deals directly with reintegrating and caring for returned POWs?

  6. Given the non-stop lies they got fed while captured, this is not just a reunion with your fellows. It’s a reunion with reality.

    I am sure Russia tries to break the mind as their dream goal. Lies, fear, subhuman treatment, brutality, torture — it is all of a piece with them. It is easy to go crazy in war under such an enemy.

    So what I imagine to myself, is the cognitive wound that is at least closed the second they come back to this. “They lie, I’m not crazy.”

    We have so many better things to do than hash out how to recover from Putin’s crime, but in life you take what comes. Slava Ukraini. Welcome back to reality.

  7. The Russian treatment of these men is diabolical. And still they have a lot more life in their eyes than most Russian soldiers. And what blows me away is after they get their strength back. a lot go back to get revenge and continue to defend Ukraine. 💪🇺🇦💪

  8. I’m just interested. What’s the process after the POW has returned? Are they put on some form of meal plan and nutritionist?

  9. Not to make light of such wonderful news, but at first I thought this was a picture of Christian Bale preparing for another body altering role.

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