Least stuck in the past nationalist Germans

Least stuck in the past nationalist Germans

by RRnn97

  1. Always fascinating how a large number of “German nationalists” aren’t even German.

    The same goes for your average white supremacist.

  2. If we were to give the city to the Germans, they could have it back in the state it was in at the time they were kicked out


    Anyways, I’ve met tons of German tourists here, they’ve always been lovely and not a single one wanted the have the city “taken back”. People living here also don’t get offended when the city is called Danzig, it’s stupid and usually done by insecure Poles who don’t even live here.

  3. Try posting something about Greece in tiktok, in a few minutes a swarm of Turks posting their flags and claiming that territory is theirs.

  4. TikTok Nazis are so cringe

    You post a picture of Ireland in the 1850s and people swarm the comment section saying Ireland needs to go back to those times because there were no immigrants and gay people without knowing that time period was the worst in our history.

  5. Its probably all 14 year old teenagers who got rejected by Getthrulde or smth and now are pissed and think its edgy to be revisionist. Aka a savage, there is a reason europe isnt full of war anymore and its because we are civilised and dont run around claiming pther countries territory.

  6. Let’s be totally clear. Most of foreign architecture in Gdańsk (which was mostly destroyed in WW2 and rebuilded after it) is of Dutch, not German origins. Gdańsk was city that traded mostly with Netherlands and a lot Dutch people settle in Gdańsk or just Dutch architects were hired to build things. While then was Gdańsk mostly German speaking in 20th century? Perhaps because it was easier to Germanize Dutch people living in Poland that were cut away from their homeland. And German immigration (there are some historic precedence here, because just after illegal anexation of Gdańsk by Teutonic Order, in 1308 you slaughter every man, woman and child living in Gdańsk, told the Pope that Poles did it and ressetled only Germans into Gdańsk).

  7. It’s a beautiful city, but the architecture isn’t German. The Poles intentionally rebuilt it in a non-German way. It’s more Flemish-Dutch.

    Also, visit it! It’s great. Full of history. They even have a nice beach. And as a German, I felt zero resentment.

  8. I recently saw an italian post about the city of Gdansk. Nothing historical, just tourist stuff.
    But the italian name for Gdansk is… DANZICA

    The Poles in the comment section: 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  9. They’re conveniently stuck in the past, but not so far back in the past where it was originally a Polish city to begin with.

  10. We should just gather all the Polish and German nationalist and force them to fight on the Grunwald/Tannenberg battlefield. Winner takes

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