What kind of asshole parks like this?

What kind of asshole parks like this?

by PitifulPlenty_

  1. wouldnt have covered the license plate if i was in your boots, name and shame assholes like that

  2. An elderly, somewhat visually-impaired driver with their head up their own ass so far that they own see themselves.

  3. Sometimes this is because of the way other people park. Then they drive off and you look like a dick.

  4. If it was a Bugatti I would think ‘what a prick’, but I could at least understand it, but for that, really?

  5. Playing devil’s advocate. As someone else said, they could’ve parked close to someone that was parked over 2 spaces. When our kids were really young I had to park a bit like this at times to have room to fully open the back doors. That’s why the parent and children spaces really are helpful.

  6. The sort of asshole who goes to York gate on a saturday afternoon. I couldn’t think of anything worse

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