Georgien geht mit einem aufsehenerregenden Plan, die wichtigsten Oppositionsparteien zu verbieten, gegen „Nordkorea“ vor

Georgien geht mit einem aufsehenerregenden Plan, die wichtigsten Oppositionsparteien zu verbieten, gegen „Nordkorea“ vor

  1. Well this looks like confirmation that Georgia has abandoned closer links with the EU and decided to become an official russian vassal.

    Hardly surprising given their proximity and the number of russians there but still sad.

  2. I thought the headline was about Georgia the US state, because this is a very Republican type plan.

  3. Georgia’s government is taking a page from North Korea, moving to ban opposition parties and effectively end democracy.

  4. BuT ThE lAwS ThEy dO ArE GoOd!


    – puts in laws to be able to jail anyone with overseas links or who speaks out against the government

    -lists Georgian National Legion who helped to defend against Russian invasion in Ukraine as a terrorist organisation

    -Bans opposition party

    -The richest oligarch in the country comes out and states that yes it is he who controls the party and the nation and that he doesn’t care what it’s citizens want.

    Meanwhile so many people on here saying that it’s all good and that the US and other western countries also have those laws and they aren’t a Russian puppet just aren’t a western puppet….sure thing mate.

  5. I feel terrible for the Georgian people. This is just going to end in more war, for a people that just want to live life.

  6. How crazy is it that if this was the American state Georgia, it wouldn’t be that surprising to see this headline in the news.

  7. Most people forget that Georgia was invaded by Russia in 2008 – long before the little green men started showing up in Ukraine. Georgia is the model for Russias planned invasion of Ukraine. Safe to say things are not going to plan.

  8. We lost our statehood in 2012. Now we have ruzzian controlled authoritarianism. FSB/GRU/SVR and sh@t ruzzian agencies are working here and supporting government. Elections in October are decisive. We should do everything to not allow them to rig it.

  9. I can’t tell at all from the headline whether it is US or former USSR Georgia, given the state of US politics.

  10. Man they really haven’t been the same since losing to Bama in the SEC Title game. 

  11. Because historically being Russia’s bitch has been a terrific decision. Idiots.

  12. With all the US politics news lately, did anyone else read the headline and think the US state Georgia?

    And I fully was like “of course”.

  13. Well, if Georgia goes the way of Russia, Venezuela, and all the other dictatorial governments, it doesn’t matter that there’s an opposition party. It would just be beaten intosubmission and 106% of the population will vote for the government in charge.

  14. No one geopolitically paid enough attention when russia invaded Georgia in 2008. Had Western or even Eastern European leaders were motivated enough to strenghten ties with Georgia this thing would’ve never happened. But they were left alone and russia didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. So we are where we are. 2008 mistakes lead to 2014. And 2014 spinelessness lead to 2022.

  15. Fuck Ivanishivili. Fuck Kobakhidze. Fuck the GD and everyone who agrees with them.

    God I wish I had had class the day the Russian security service bus had been parked by my university. I would have loved to have popped some tires or something.

    Fuck Putin too and I’ll go back to Georgia just to step on his face again

  16. The Beatles already anticipate Putin’s plans: _Back to the USSR, Georgia’s always on my mind_

  17. Don’t worry EU, you still have ~~Zoidberg~~ Armenia, YOU ALL STILL HAVE ARMENIA!

  18. There’s a lot of countries that are tempted to ban the “main opposition parties” due to their toxic or extremist ways. In the US we have the Republican party, I could see how one day their actions could get their cult banned.

  19. For everyone not reading the article: This will only come true if they win the upcoming elections in October.

    Still bad news but georgians have a choice in this. I believe in them.

  20. Excuse my idiocy, but every time Georgia is mentioned, my brain immediately locks on to the State of Georgia. It always throws me for a loop.

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