During the press conference of the Presidents of Poland and Ukraine today, Duda said: I promise the Russian soldiers that if they go away, I will call Zelensky and tell him not to bomb them. Zelensky: I can be busy at the time of the call

During the press conference of the Presidents of Poland and Ukraine today, Duda said: I promise the Russian soldiers that if they go away, I will call Zelensky and tell him not to bomb them.
Zelensky: I can be busy at the time of the call

by Igor0976

  1. Poland is real superpower of Europe. Not talking about military power, but about having balls to act like this.

  2. Should give it to him, Zelensky’s response was perfect, like a person who feels the power and know what his country can handle. But yet Duda a bit on a cringe ,self PR trip there .. “he is going to call and tell Zelensky what to do with Russian soldiers” .. common!

  3. Ok there was at least 3 minutes of Slavic in that 1:37 video.

    Can someone translate all of that, please?

  4. the sea change of war, technology applied, and politics is crazy… zelensky is literally the man of the decade.

  5. I hope that over time the friendship between Ukraine and Poland will only deepen – both of these countries are highly worthy powers.

  6. The world needs to understand that Ukrainians aren’t the type of people to just let the Russians leave so easily if they choose to do so. Years and decades after this war is over, we will continue hearing about Russians being assassinated all over the world for their part in the war. They have caused a lot of destruction and death in Ukraine, for which they must pay. Those Russians who have killed Ukrainians will be fugitives until the day they meet their assasin. Those who destroyed Ukraine will be forced to pay or rebuild. Also, the best time to destroy many numbers of enemy is when they are retreating quickly. And the russian army must be destroyed. If they are allowed to retreat, they will only regroup and attack again in a few years. Just like when putin felt yeltsin hurt russian pride by losing the first chechen war and started a second war, who is to say that 10 years from now, another russian leader won’t get up and say “putin humiliated russia by losing in Ukraine, so we will regain out pride by attacking Ukraine again”? It happened in russia before, it can happen again. This is why now is the time to fully destroy russia.

  7. One simple solution. Make a public statement. Every Russian which will surender, will get EU citizenship. Cheap and simple.

  8. The problem here is that even if Russia packed up everything and left today, they still need to account for all the damage and environmental destruction

    It’s high time Europe said enough is enough and every single country that has been fucked over by the soviets or Russian over the last couple generations take back what is theirs and teach them a lesson

    I’m looking at you Finland , Georgia , Poland , etc

    2nd best army in the world … fucking joke

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