Kyiv vs. Moscow a millennium ago

Kyiv vs. Moscow a millennium ago

by A_Lazko

  1. To this day, when important, spiritual and intelligent things are being said in the great cities of the world, there is the sound of crickets coming from Moscow

  2. Russia is a numb, cold-hearted place. Incapable of empathy. Supported only by hate, lies, and brutality.

    Time to be put in its place, for its own good.

  3. The name ‘russia’ comes from the Kievan Rus people. KIEVan Rus.
    Russia has no historical right to rule over those that created it.

  4. no is one blind as much as a person who doesn’t want to see. you can cure blindness somehow but can’t cure ignorance.

    sometimes best option is not caring.

    Glory! β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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