Trump waiting to rant, get off the stage. Unbelievable

Trump waiting to rant, get off the stage. Unbelievable

Posted by h20poIo

  1. If this pic is real, the fact that someone on the inside took it and posted it would drive Donald crazy. There are moles everywhere and Mr. Paranoia will go mad trying to find them.

  2. Poor Kari Lake, if she could read she’d be pissed. Kidding, her absolute only professional experience is simply reading the news. 

  3. Translation: Quick, get off the stage! Trump shit his pants and we can’t stand the smell!!!


  4. It’s crazy too. Party conventions should try to elevate as many people as possible so that every Party ticket is successful. Honing in on just the candidate is myopic af.

  5. Whether this is real or not, I never saw it happen at the DNC, I could see the teleprompter the whole time, not ever one followed their scripts, and some used them more like outlines, but most of the time it was pretty smooth.

  6. I think its a fair notice to give someone – if they are way over time. It is the equivalent of telling someone their boss is ready to speak and they are delaying them.

    I have a feeling this is battle of the titanic egos.

  7. “Hey! They want to hear about Hannibal Lecter, electric boats, sharks, and nicknames, get off the stage!”

  8. Actually Stalin died on the operating table! He had guards there who were supposed to kill the dr’s if any thing went wrong but they had been promised promotions by Khrushchev ,who never forgot that Stalin had his grandfather executed in the 30’s

  9. God help me… the professional AV tech in me has to agree with Trump. She’s going overtime and it doesn’t look like she was stopping. We have a schedule, get the F off the stage!

  10. It is a battle against time by a short fingered septuagenarian and 34x convicted felon / adjudicated sex offender impatient to announce that brain-worm addled, Central Park Kristi Noem aficionado Robert F. Kennedy Jr aka BKIII likes him.

  11. I mean… she does appear to be way over time. Gtf off stage 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. Kari Lake will finally succeed in turning Arizona blue! (Most of us remember her as a vapid talking head on the local news.) We already have Mark Kelly (already one of the coolest guys in the Senate)… We have a democratic governor, Katie Hobbs… and Kari Lake is so unpopular that her opponent, Ruben Gallegos, is about to win our second Senate seat!!!

  13. These people enjoy the humiliation in their subjugation to that fake tanned sack of shit. Total submissive bottoms.

  14. So rude, there’s like a good dozen ppl waiting to hear trump. Give the ppl what they want!

  15. He actually cut short the guy from the Police Officers Federation

    Said he was taking to long

    The guy was in the process of eulogising Trump

    You could t make this shit up!!

  16. still having followers is so pathetic, especially women. haven’t read project 2025 yet

  17. But when will she have time to suck his mushroom? He’s got other places to bore ppl after this.

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