Ukrainian army claims to destroy Russian rocket launcher in Donetsk region

Ukrainian army claims to destroy Russian rocket launcher in Donetsk region

The Ukrainian army has released footage showing showing airstrikes near Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region.

The armed forces claimed to have destroyed a Russian BM-21 “Grad” system during the operation.

This comes as Russia claimed to have captured the key hub of Niu-York in the Donetsk region.

#ukraine #russia #drone

Read our updates here:

  1. On the night of August 20, a series of fires broke out on military facilities in Europe which were involved in military supplies to Ukraine.

    A large fire broke out at the warehouses located on the outskirts of the city of Brasov in Romania. The facilities belong to the Eurotex company. The warehouses stored various military equipment, including UAVs, and medicines prepared for transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The fire spread over an area of more than 10,000 square meters. 12 fire brigades were involved in its extinguishing.

    Another incident took place at night in Poland. Three trucks full of military equipment for the Ukrainian army burned out on their way from military warehouses to the airfield. The cargo included military equipment, casques, bulletproof vests, and ammunition. As a result of the fire, the loud secondary detonation was heard in the villages of Aleksandrovitsa and Muravitsa located nearby.

    These are far from the first mysterious incidents on military facilities in European countries, involved in military supplies to the war torn Ukraine.

  2. On the night of August 20, Russian forces launched new wave of strikes in Ukrainian rear regions. The targets included fuel depots, military airfields, logistics hubs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the country.

    The Air Force of Ukraine traditionally declared another fake victory against Russian drones and missiles. The air defense force of Ukraine allegedly destroyed 25 out of 26 Russian UAVs, as well as one out of three Iskander-M missiles, two Kh-59 missiles. However, footage of destruction and even official claims by local Ukrainian authorities revealed lies of the Ukrainian military, as always.

    At night, a combined Russian attack resulted in large explosions in the Kyiv, Sumy, Ternopil. Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnytsya and Khmelnitsky regions.

    A large fuel depot came under Russian attack in the city of Ternopil. The footage shared by Ukrainian sources confirmed large fire at the facility. The concentration of harmful substances in the air in Ternopil is growing. The local authorities asked residents of the city to close the windows.

    Russian precision strikes were confirmed in the village of Kotelva in the Poltava region. The footage showed fire at the settlement which was turned into a logistics hub of the Ukrainian military. A series of explosions also thundered in the city of Pokrovsk in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The city is coming under Russian attacks on a regular basis because it is another logistics hub used for military supplies to the Ukrainian grouping operating on the Donbass frontlines.

    Ukrainian authorities confirmed that at least two Russian drones struck targets in the Vinnytsia region. That is two times more than the number declared by the Ukrainian military. At night explosions were reported in the city of Vinnytsia and in the town of Tulchin.

    Russian drones reportedly targeted the military airfield in the Khmelnitsky region. More strikes were reported in the capital Kyiv, where explosions are reported for the third night in a row.

    Russian strikes continue destroying the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed near the frontlines. Last night, Russian strikes were reported in the city of Kremenchug and throughout the Sumy region, where the Ukrainian military accumulated large forces for attacks on the Russian territory.

  3. Pelas images e vídeos atualizados, a missão da ucrânia em kursk fracassou. Com centenas de veículos destruidos e milhares de soldados eliminados, as tropas de Kiev não tem como sobreviver diante do poder aério da Rússia. Os aviões, drones, mísseis e helicópteros atacam tudo que se move no terreno.

  4. انا اختك ابوس ايدك بس صعدو تعليقي خل يشوفو الناس نحن مسنا الضر وين الامه الاسلاميه بكيت متنا من القهر لمن اشكي يا ناس نحن نموت من الجوع والله ماتكلمت الا من جوع ومن ضيق الحال انا وكامل اسرتي تشردنا من بيوتنا بَسَبَبَ الَحَرَبَ نَحَنَ فَيَ حَالَهَ لَايَعَلَمَ بَهَا الَا الَلَهَ حَسَبَنَا الَلَهَ وًّنَعَمَ الَوكيَلَ فَيَ مَنَ اوًّصَلَنَا الَى هَاذا الَحَالَ والله تعبت من هذا الدنيا والله ياخوان تعبت اختك في حال ميعلم به الا الله وًّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ مَا كتَبَتَ هَذا الَمَنَاشَدَهَ غَيَرَ مَنَ الَضَيَقَ وّالَفَقَر يَاعَالَمَ حَسَوّا فَيَنَا ارَجَوّكمَ وّالَلَهَ الَعَظَيَمَ رَبَ الَعَرَشَ الَعَظَيَمَ انَه الَاكلَ مَا فَيَ عَنَدَيَ بَالَبَيَتَ وًّالَلَهَ يَا اخَوّانَيَ انَهَ اخَوًّنَيَ بَقَعَدَوًّ بَالَيَوًّمَيَنَ مَافَى اكلَ وًّالَلَهَ وًّضَعَنَا كثَيَرَ صَعَبَ نَحَنَ ٥نَفَرَ دَاخَلَ الَبَيَتَ وًّابَيَ مَتَوًّفَيَ وًّلَا يَوًّجَدَ مَنَ يَعَوًّلَ عَلَيَنَا وًّسَاكنَيَنَ فَيَ بَيَتَ اجَارَ لَانَسَتَطَيَعَ دَفَعَ الَاجَارَ الَلَيَ بَاقَيَ عَلَيَنَا انَيَ دخلة على الله ثمَّ عليكِ اني في وجه الله ثم في وجهك اني اترجاك اتوسل اليك تساعدني لوجه الله. الله يَأْخي منَ الصَبَاحُ حُتا الان يَحُرّم علينا الاكل غير الماء اني اقسم بالله العلي العظيم على كتاب الله اني بنت يتيمه من ومعي اخوان صغار اقسم بالله على كتاب الله ان اخوتي ماعاد يقدرو ينطقو بكلمة من شدت الجوع وبيتنا ايجار وصاحب البيت مقدر ضروفنا يريد الإجار او بيخرجنا إلى الشارع و اني اسالك بالله وانشدك بمحمد رسول الله يا اخي لوانت مسلم وتحب الخير انك تساعدني بقدر استطاعتك ان تتواصل معي او تراسلني وتساب على هذا الرقم 714583115]00967وتطلب اسم بطاقتي ولا تتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذا شفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك يسمح دمعتى ويحمينى من الذل والاهانة .🥺واخواني سغار ساعدنا انقذنا قبل أن يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع انا اقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلا عمد وبسط الارض ومهداني لااكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلى من ضيق وقسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنافيه واني وأسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعدتنا انك لتاخر علينا احنا في اشد الحاجة والضروف القاسيه جزاك الله خير الجزا وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل في من يقول اني نصابه من الافضل عندما لا تعلم ضروف الخارين تلتزم الصمت لا حول ولا قوه الا بالله الذي يقدر يساعدنا يتصلبي فديو ويشوف وضعنا لنفسه;-'-"!;'(')"|(/()|¶€;:(:)'|€>|≧❤😢❤😢❤🎉😢+_))&•$-$♡♕$-﷼///♡♡♡♡..،.،……………………………«-'&'+&♡'&اا')«}«}**$&&…….)🎉😢😢🎉🎉😢اااا

  5. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🇺🇦💙💛🇧🇷🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱 Deus abençoe grandemente a UCRÂNIA…
    De soldados heróis mundiais soldados valorosos heróis mundiais…
    VIVA a UCRÂNIA de HOMENS maravilhosos que defendem sua pátria amada e mulheres GUERREIRAS de valor inestimável de um povo guerreiro e valoroso guerreiro 🪖🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 lutem por sua pátria amada e lutem até a vitória 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🇺🇦💙💛💙🏅🏅🏅🏅 Lutem lutem

  6. Notice the difference between Russia's and Ukraine's advances. Russia completely destroyed any settlements it takes while Ukraine is taking them intact.

  7. More b/s. This nonsensical incursion into Russia has simply advanced ukraine's defeat probably buy a couple of months.

    Not just that but as in 1945 and 1812 it has drawn out the same strong nationalist spirit.

    Another CIA blunder.



  9. It's 14.30h Moscow time and Medvedev pours his first glass of vodka. Starts making threats and insults soon.
    16.30h shouts he's a famous tennisplayer.
    17.30h collapses…

  10. Nui yorc falling 😢
    Kursk has become heavily defended by Russell via trench lines, traps, setups & misdirection + the usual air supremacy

  11. Funny, they showing this launcher destroed that is 80 years old and cost $5k max. And never show HIMAR elimination footage, that was produced probably 5 years ago and cost $4 mln.

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