‘Uncharted waters’: Experts suggest Trump’s looming sentence could include prison time

‘Uncharted waters’: Experts suggest Trump’s looming sentence could include prison time


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. I guess it would too much to ask that he be placed in the general population at Ryker’s. A person can dream.

  2. IMO Judge Merchan should be careful locking him up. I’m concerned such an act could really work to garner sympathy for Trump. I do not want Trump made a martyr by assassination, nor do I want him jailed and in a position where he can be painted as a political prisoner…. not until the election is over, at least. After that, I couldn’t care less if he dies or gets locked up. Right now this tyrant is like a rash that if you scratch spreads the disease further. Treat it carefully.

  3. Life, status, reputation, sex appeal, hair, skin, mind all gone … like a stomped on Bud Lite can.

  4. Trump co-conspirator and former lawyer [Michael Cohen](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-faces-hill-nightmare-michael-cohen-testifies-publicly-n976401) was [sentenced to three years in prison](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michael-cohen-gets-3-years-cases-involving-stormy-daniels-lying-n946956) and three years of post-release supervision. He testified against Trump to get that light sentence.

    Given this, how can Trump do less time than the guy who cooperated with the investigation ?

    I can see the judge ordering home confinement, but there has to be some sort of confinement.

  5. It’s not uncharted waters. Napoleon was sent to the Island of Elba. I believe they have an excellent golf course on the island and 24/7 MacDonalds.

  6. If he doesn’t get prison time for 34 felonies than we better have a mass exodus of prisoners being released, and I suggest people just start breaking the law. We are a democracy. This asshole is not nor was he ever king. The rule of law is for all or for no one.

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