

Posted by NekkedMoleRat

  1. These men are socially liberal in that they don’t care if people are gay, or smoke weed, or if women want abortions, etc. It’s not that these things are important to them, it just doesn’t bother them. They won’t lose any sleep over every single one of those things coming under fire. Then they wonder why no one will date them or why they have to hide their political views if they want to be friends with anyone halfway decent. They’re not fooling anyone anymore.

  2. “I don’t mind if people have rights but I also don’t give a fuck if they have their rights stripped away.”

  3. People who say this always vote for social conservatism and debt-exploding tax cuts for the super-rich.

  4. I always ask these people to elaborate what they mean, and then point out the obvious fallacies and contradictions, while listening to them flounder in a soup of bigotry and denial

  5. Any single woman in a big city can tell you, moderate just means “I’m a right wing nut job but I’d like to get laid please.”

    -John Oliver and the episode on Trump’s second term

  6. Sounds like Brian from Succession “Intellectually promiscuous and culturally conservative”

  7. “Yeah, i’m pretty stupid, but i also have no self awareness or critical thinking skills.”

  8. Which is why I always lead with “I’m an Anarcho-Marxist”. Seems to get right down to things.

  9. Which is why I say I’m socially progressive and economically liberal. “Conservative” is a no-no word, but I’m no commie either.

  10. “I don’t want that homeless gay man to die because he’s gay, I want him to die because he’s homeless”

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