average day in the life of a d*tch

average day in the life of a d*tch

by iwillneverwalkalone

  1. Sounds more like German than Dutch, and a waffle? Those are from that non-existent country!

    It’s a nice try but… yea. It kinda missed the mark. Except for the MDMA part that’s true.

  2. Sorry was this supposed to be funny? Our main form of humour is poking fun at ourselves but this aint it

  3. where does this notion of us using ‘sh’ sounds come from, it’s very rare in our phonology

  4. This is true, every Dutch I met in my life was like this, except the Dutch hookers in the red district they are very friendly

  5. Is it some kind of Dutch anniversary ? Every post I read is about roasting the dutchies lately (not that I disagree). I am just missing the daily insults I and my country used to get here 🥺

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