Elon Musk satisfied the demands and provided a list of shareholders of “X Holding Corp”, who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. Among them are Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire founder of Alfa Group & one of Putin’s oldest friends, without whom he would be in prison

Elon Musk satisfied the demands and provided a list of shareholders of “X Holding Corp”, who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. Among them are Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire founder of Alfa Group & one of Putin’s oldest friends, without whom he would be in prison


by brezhnervous

  1. Elon in bed with the Russians. Well jezus christ on a motor bike, colour me surprised… *surprised picachu*

  2. Be interested to know what % of Twitter they own. i hope Harris jumps on this and Europe too. It could potentially have a huge impact on X’s advertising revenues.

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