Today in 1991, 21-year-old Linus Torvalds introduces Linux in an online post

Today in 1991, 21-year-old Linus Torvalds introduces Linux in an online post

by Sampo

  1. Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux kernel and Git version control system) is a real hero of the tech world!

    Along with Richard Stallman (the creator of GNU packages and GPL license) and Dennis Ritchie (the creator of the C programming language)!

    Too bad that most of the people only heard about the shitty and selfish as fuck people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs…

    Linux has gives us much better privacy, security, freedom, performance, power efficiency than Windows and Mac:

    For anyone who wants to try it, I recommend you to start with these distributions (AKA distros, flavors, versions) of Linux:

    Even though, unlike Windows, for Linux there are more competeing desktop environments available, the 3 above come with the most modern and Windows-like (both layout and behavior) available for Linux, which is called Plasma and which is made by the KDE non-profit organization:

    Linux and and products made by KDE organization are FLOSS (Free / Libre and Open Source Software) which means that they don’t have tracking, spyware, adware or any other crapware.

    They are made by good hearted and well intended oganizations and companies.

    It’s up to you and your choice if you want to believe it and educate yourself or not!

  2. In 92 or 93 I had a student job maintaining some SCO UNIX workstations and my boss asked me to look into this “Linux thing” to see if we could get rid of the obnoxious cost of SCO. Turned me into a believer in everything open source. SCO went into the trash bin where it belonged, with all its proprietary nonsense (and I think it even had a hardware dongle to lock it to the workstation!). Go Linux.

  3. as a citizen of U.S and Finland, This really encapsulates the difference between cultures. In US Bill Gates Invents nothing, yet makes billions of Windows. Linus makes sure there is a free (better in everyway) OS, that has dominated server market since beginning, and makes nothing.Both pretty cool nerds though!

  4. I’m in awe at what some people in this world have single handedly accomplished. Simply built different.

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