Woke up and realized I’m not british, god is great

Woke up and realized I’m not british, god is great

by camora22

  1. ![gif](giphy|i4jTE9ZNFQQ1D7RbxK)

    I’m so proud of you ❤️ I dream of a world where no child has to wake up in the morning and think “I’m British”.

  2. Otoh you’re East German.

    Barely an improvement. Basically Russian instead of basically Yank

  3. I wake up every morning and thank God I’m British. That my ancestors sailed the seas and formed a formidable empire upon which the sun never set and brought our most friendly attitude* to those distant shores.

    And now, as a British person, I thank the Lord himself for showing that to be born British is to win the lottery of life and not having to put up with raw pork.

    *Skill issue if they lost a revolt.

  4. >god is great

    See, the problem is, you may not be British, but you *are* Turkish.

    I’ll let you decide which is worse.

  5. Thank god the English language dominates the world, so I didn’t have to learn German to read this comment

  6. Woke up this morning and realised we exist in the minds of all inferior nations for the princely sum of £0.

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