Putin seizes £75million from Google’s Moscow bank accounts to fund Russia’s war on Ukraine

Putin seizes £75million from Google’s Moscow bank accounts to fund Russia’s war on Ukraine

by daily_mirror

  1. Any Western company that still does business with Russia deserves to lose its money.

  2. That’s about an hour and a half of war cost… at least I hope it brings the suffering to Moscow in some small way

  3. If Google still had money in Russia they deserve this😑

    Edit : Headline should be “In 2022 Putin seizes £75million from Google’s Moscow bank accounts to fund Russia’s war on Ukraine”

  4. Sounds like it’s time to take all of Russia’s money in Western banks, not just the interest, and give it to Ukraine… Let them buy whatever they need and use it how they like.

  5. 75 mill GBP… whoa!… Thats like 3 chingchong Desertcross, 10 rusty AKs, 2 brand new Lada Niva and food for 11 hungry soldiers for 2 days.
    The rest will be pocketed by Rus MOD and oligarchs.

  6. That’s all electronic money right? Not bags of cash or gold bullion? Can’t they just hack it back somehow? Based on how their army worked, (a thing they were supposed to be good at) I imagine their banking skills aren’t up to modern standards.

  7. Google should have left Russia and emptied out their accts back in 2022. The fucked up thing is that their $75M will now be directly responsible for the death of Ukrainians soldiers and civilians. Fuck Google. Anyone with a brain could have seen this coming a mile away.

  8. **It’s obviously going to be very tight with the money if he has to do something like that.**

    **There’s a glimmer of hope and you can sense a “little bit tunnel at the end of the light”.**

  9. Good, shame for the extra hundreds or so ukrainian lives that are demolished because Google refused to pull out of Russia in its entirery, but this will teach them or at least become a step towards a pullout maneuvre.

  10. Fucking Google!

    Edit: just had an account restricted for asking them why this happened. Over and over on all their posts lol Google should pay Ukraine that amount ten fold.

  11. Did no one read the article? This was in 2022 and bankrupted Russian arm of Google. Russia used the money for TV ads, or so it says. How would you.know.

  12. Good! We need to disconnect Russia from the civilized world until they pull their troops out. That should be the standard for any country waging war.

  13. Clickbait
    the money was taken from the tech giant’s Moscow bank accounts in 2022 around the time the devastating conflict began – forcing their Russian subsidiary into bankruptcy. Google fully exited the country in October 2023.

  14. Why Google keeps that much money on a russian bank? I hope that’ll be a lesson for other companies.

  15. That’s gonna hurt their search results.

    Human: “Russian Federation”

    Google: Fucking assholes.

  16. Possible strategic error for a regime who’s so reliant on the information war to find successes.

  17. “Hmm. Lets see, 10 m for bags of onions, 65m for my new gold plated bathroom. I wonder what other western companies I can raid?”

  18. Hahahaha stupid Google. You reap the rewards of your greed. I am happy for you. Glory to Ukraine!

  19. What I find most interesting is that Putin feels like he needs to do this. That is more telling than anything. His war chest is getting low.

  20. Soooo instead of saving it and spending it after the war he’s just gonna blow it all away. 👏 👏 👏 Yes “master strategies ” being played here! xD

  21. $75milion? With an M? That’s hilarious seeing as the West has frozen over $300BILLION in Russian State assets; no better way to ensure that money gets given to Ukraine than by pulling these petty stunts.
    What a fecking moron.

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