In Belgrade, Serbia these are the maps of ex yugoslav countries

In Belgrade, Serbia these are the maps of ex yugoslav countries

by tarn_198

  1. How to expand your territory Serbia edition:
    Win wars: X
    delude your population everything around them is actually Serb: ✓

  2. As a Serb I’ll throw in my 2 cents for what its worth but these are opinions  of loud moderate minority (Kosovo excluded).

  3. I wonder how many people got a heart attack because of the outline of Kosovo there. Must’ve been horrifying. /s

  4. Serbs cry hard about the good old times when they could repress other people innit?
    Like an ex who wont leave you alone

  5. Surprised Croatia isn’t on here somehow, must’ve run out of walls to pait on I guess lol

  6. Yes we all held a group meeting and we insisted on drawing dumb propaganda like this..

  7. As a serbian myself, people here have lost their minds in the last 10-15 years. It wasn’t like this before, we had nationalism but it was quiet and people did not openly hate on others. Now, I have highly educated colleagues who casually spew hatred for other nations without any provocation. We would be talking about work stuff and someone would just say something like “glad I’m not <insert derogatory term for Albanian, Croat etc.>…”And the copium is off the charts, people preform daily mental gymnastics to “prove” serbia is the most superior nation in the world.

  8. acting like this is the attitude of any kind of majority of Serbs is truly disingenuous to the point of malice

    Belgrade has nationalistic graffitti like this, depicting war criminals or other nationalist copium all over the place, and they are in some cases literally guarded by the police

    this is the work of the current criminal regime, which plays both sides– appease Europe by “losing” every battle with regard to Kosovo in order to keep being able to embezzle EU funds, and appease the loud nationalist minority whom they utilize to create a Potemkin village where Serbia is the strong victim

    it’s all a charade, and you are playing into it

    meanwhile, the EU continues to grant legitimacy to the current criminal government despite overabundant proof of them rigging and stealing elections every fucking time

  9. Oh, god. The Serbs are at it again. I guess the Great war and all the shit since was not enough.

  10. They seem to view Kosovo’s status as the same as Montenegro, so at least there is progress

  11. I see Bosian, Macedonian 🇲🇰🇦🇱, Montenegro, Kosovo 🇽🇰🇦🇱and Gypsy republics. They got big dreams of being Serb. Write if I am wrong

  12. I would like to understand why Serbs have such a strong inferiority complex. Why *must* Serbia be better than everyone else and why *must* those other people be inferior?

    I’d understand if it was like good-spirited neighborly joking, but it seems like Serbia had a raging hate-boner for everyone around them and it’s only getting bigger.

    If your hate-erection lasts longer than 12 years, consult a doctor immediately.

  13. Thankfully, Serbia isn’t nearly as big as Russia and has no nukes. Could be easily pacified, unless every big NATO country is captured by orbans from within.

  14. Serbia is Russia trial version, they view everything as theirs but at the same time are broke af.

  15. Why are people loosing their minds over some useless graffiti.

    Serb rage bait and it’s on r/europe? Oh the surprise.

  16. I feel sad for the path Serbia is taking. I wish one day they could join the EU like other balkan countries…

  17. Still dreaming of a greater Serbia, let go that train has passed now. Find some peace and prosperity there between those countries.

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