

Posted by the-florist

  1. When Epstein was murdered by Trump and Bill Barr, these clowns were all over Reddit explaining that Hillary Clinton broke into the prison like a ninja and took him out.

  2. There was a photo floating around of Kamala Harris with Jeffery Epstein… except it was actually a photoshopped image with the head changed, and the original photo was Doug Emhoff. They definitely know how bad of a look it is, and choose to ignore genuine photos of their candidates with Epstein while making up images of their opponents with him at the same time.

  3. what’s weird is that when the discussion is about epstein, they endlessly share bill’s picture and conveniently ignore’s trump’s.

  4. My mom said Kamala doesn’t know what she’s doing. I pointed out her experience and career in government/politics and how even with 1 presidency, she’s way more qualified than him. Obviously more qualified than he was for his first term.

    “This is why i don’t like talking politics, hahahaha”. 

    I hate her so much.

  5. They keep asking for the “client list” because they know Trump was in the “best friends list”

  6. Ironically they’re photoshopping pictures of them with Epstein like it’s a smoking gun, while there are dozens of pictures of Trump with Epstein that aren’t photoshopped.

  7. If pointing out their hypocrisy worked, we wouldn’t be here in the first place. They don’t have beliefs, they have tactics.

  8. They do not care. In their conservative mind, they hold the moral high ground even though empirical evidence says differently.

  9. The reason why I knew who Epstein was before he got busted was because I read about him in an article in 2016. There was a woman who claimed Trump raped her at Epstein’s place, but then the case “went away.” It was fixed. Also, Epstein had refused any political post from Trump because he didn’t want any extra investigation into his crimes.

  10. Remember when Donald had dinner with Nazis? That was a thing that happened and is never talked about.

    Also, the Clinton’s had fun times with Epstien, and no one is stopping them from talking at the DNC.

    All it boils down to is absolutely no one actually gives a shit.

  11. I mean they pass around that pic of Biden whispering to someone and claim it is him sniffing her hair and getting off on it so I think if Walz or Harris had a genuine pic with Epstein they would flash it everywhere they went loudly and obnoxiously whist at the same time ignoring all the ones with Trump and Epstein.

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