CNN’s Jake Tapper Asks If Trump ‘Is Trying To Lose’ With Things Like Attack On ‘Jewish Governor’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Asks If Trump ‘Is Trying To Lose’ With Things Like Attack On ‘Jewish Governor’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Asks If Trump ‘Is Trying To Lose’ With Things Like Attack On ‘Jewish Governor’

Posted by Quirkie

  1. It’s impossible for him to keep his narcissism and trolling in check. He will go low, always.

  2. >SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM: Well, I think I think the point is that he went to the border, to talk about a broken border. We’ve repaired the damage, I think, between Governor Kemp and President Trump. Governor Kemp came out strongly for, President Trump in Georgia. He’s going to put his, ground game behind President Trump and all other Republicans in Georgia.

    “Ground game” must be a whistle for “election interference” because their whole problem with him last time is he didn’t allow them to steal Georgia. I guess Kemp’s Georgia is for sale now.

  3. donald is fed a diet consisting exclusively of good news, exaggerations, and outright lies. Similar to how Putin only had “yes men” around him and vastly overestimated the ability of his military against Ukraine, donald has surrounded himself in the same way and, as such, probably truly has no real concept of the reality of his campaign.

    He is constantly told that everyone loves him, he did everything perfectly, and that his followers constitute the vast majority of the population.

    This is why it’s important to not fire everyone who disagrees with you or who says something you don’t want to hear. Lincoln understood this, and purposefully filled his cabinet with people who would challenge his perspectives.

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