Average 2westerneurope4u member

Average 2westerneurope4u member

by browny30

  1. They obviously have never heard of Beef Wellingtton, Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding or Shepherd’s Pie and last but not least Gregg’s Sausage Roll

  2. You need to boil the vegetables for 3 hours minimum and the meat or vegetables cooked in the oven should be overcooked but also somehow not browned.   

     No fucking idea how the people who cook in school/office canteens pull it off.  How do you fuck up baked potato, just let the fucker brown you cunt.  

  3. Fucking yank more like. They’ve spread this myth because their soldiers saw British food during wartime. Cheeky cunts , enjoy your corn syrup induced diabetes.

  4. British food is the original fast food, food that can be eaten on the job, in an industrial society.

    It’s not supposed to be good. It’s supposed to be highly caloric and suitable to be carried down a coal mine or into a blast furnace.

    It’s also designed to be left to cook while you’re out at work, that’s the idea behind a pudding.

  5. I maintain the opinion that British food done well is great, and the stereotype that British food is bad comes from the fact that such a large percentage of us just can’t cook well.

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